Sometimes, you might encounter the following error when using the AffiliateBooster theme.

"Activation Limit is exceeded with this key"

This can especially happen when you have a single site license. Here is the reason for the error.

If you use your activation key on a test site, or use your activation key and reset your website, you will not be able to use the same key again on another site (for a single site license); hence the error.

The good news is that you can use the same license key on another website once you've disabled it for the site it was originally activated on. Let me show you how.

1. Login into your AffiliateBooster account on

2. Inside the Licenses Keys section, click on Manage Sites.

3. Inside the section, you will see all the sites that are activated for your license. Click the Deactivate Site button to deactivate the license for the existing site.

4. Once the license is deactivated, you can enter the URL of the new website in the authorization form, and click Add Site.

Or, you can use the form inside your website for activation as well.